Sharing the Baby News
You’ve just taken the biggest test of your life .. and its positive.. you are having a baby! You may hardly be able to contain yourself, run out of the bathroom, and blurt the good news right out to your significant other. OR you may try to get a little creative in the way you tell him. There’s no right or wrong way to share the news, but here are a few things to think about during this exciting time.
Timing is everything. Before you take that test just think of two things:
1. What do I have to do immediately after?
2. If this IS positive, where is the person (or people) I’ll want to share this news with right away? Is my significant other away on business or won’t be home until after I’m already in bed?
When I was pregnant with my son, I took a positive pregnancy test and then had to meet a friend for dinner (BIGGEST mistake- I had to get through the entire dinner knowing this big news). When I came home and saw my husband I didn’t have time to think of anything “cute”. I grabbed the positive pregnancy test, then ran to him with the test in hand and said “I’m pregnant”! It was of course extremely exciting (and nerve wracking for me) but we had the entire night to sit in shock and share our excitement.
I read all kinds of cute stories online of how women shared the special news with their significant others and when I got pregnant again I knew I wanted to do something cute AND include my son in the message delivery. My “cute” sharing involved putting the positive pregnancy test into a gift bag. I attached a note that said “We’re having another baby” and handed the bag to my 2 1/2 year old to bring to my husband. My husband was just as excited and in reality it wouldn’t have mattered how I told him, but it was still adorable to include my toddler in the process.
We used my toddler to share the news with our parents as well. He wore a “Worlds Best Brother” t-shirt around the house. Have a little fun and time how long it takes for people to notice. It took my mom about 10 minutes before she realized his shirt and I had to prompt her by asking if she saw my son’s shirt. My dad still didn’t get it, and we ended up explaining it to him. My in-laws took about 5-10 minutes before they realized what the shirt meant too.
My favorite way to share the news involves a family picture, even though we didn’t get to personally test this out. When you have the family together instead of asking them to say cheese, ask them to say “Jane is having a baby!” When you snap the picture you capture everyone’s initial expression to your exciting news.
There are so many ways to share the special news, how did you share yours?