Tips For Embracing New Mom Moments


Tips For Embracing New Mom Moments


Becoming a mom for the first time is an incredible experience. You are about to embark on an adventure that includes a whirlwind of emotions from excitement and anxious to sheer panic (when you think about being solely responsible for another life). Its impossible to put into words the amount of love you have for your new baby. While this is such a special time, many first time moms can easily become overwhelmed and stressed. The time goes by SO fast (I feel like I blinked and my “baby boy” is already 5) its important to embrace all of these wonderful moments. So while you’re getting up for nighttime feedings and feel like a walking zombie, try to remember these tips to really soak in every second of being a mom.

Tips For Embracing New Mom Moments

  1. Don’t focus on the TO DO list. Everyone always says to nap while baby is napping, which sounds great, but ideally it never works out. You’re too busy focused on everything that needs to be done in the house. While it may add MORE to your stress level if your house is in shambles, try to create a good balance. Set aside little lists of things you can get done that will help ease your mind about the house, but dont try to do it all at once and try to catch some Zzzz’s on one of the baby’s catnaps. If you work on the house for nap #1, take advantage of some sleep during nap #2.
  2. Dad can do things his way. The BEST advise I ever received was from my girlfriend who told me not to watch my husband when he fed or changed the baby. She said he would do it his own way and the baby would be fine… and she was right! His way was definitely NOT the way I did things, but I needed to let him do what he needed to do and know the baby would be fine. Constantly peeking over Dad’s shoulder will not only stress you out but it will frustrate him and lets be honest, who WANTS to pitch in when they are constantly being told what they’re doing is wrong? Let Dad be .. well .. a dad!
  3. Welcome the help. If you have friends or relatives willing to come help you, take them up on the offer! Go take that shower and shave your legs while grandma sits with the baby. Let your best girlfriends come over with dinner and wash your dishes. Just preface any visitor by letting them know, you will NOT be straightening up the house for them as you’re spending your time bonding and focusing on the baby. Those visitors who you will want to see won’t care what your house looks like or how many dishes are piled in the sink.
  4. There is no question too big or too small. There are so many questions as a new mom, maybe your baby is gassy or spitting up or your not sure about something with breastfeeding .. ASK QUESTIONS! If you have a person you go to for advise, ask them. If you’re still not confident in their answer (or if its something more serious that requires a professional) call the doctor’s office. Get comfortable with the pediatrician’s office and calling them. The nurses there should be helpful and have probably heard every question imaginable. Even if it’s just for peace of mind .. make the call instead of driving yourself crazy!
  5. Bringing your baby into the world is the first thing you will do as a mom. While you may be thinking about a birth plan, don’t have anything carved in stone. Remember labor and delivery is unpredictable and can change! Be open to different birth paths, should any occur. Do your research on opportunities available for your baby before you go into labor. This goes beyond the pain management options, it also includes the option for cord blood banking.

Tips For Embracing New Mom Moments

If your OBGYN office was like mine, you got a pamphlet about cord blood banking, but maybe didn’t ask many questions, because you weren’t sure about what the process entailed. Watch this video for a quick Cord Blood 101 Here is some great information about cord blood banking and ViaCord

  • Cord Blood banking is the process of collecting and storing the blood remaining in your newborn’s umbilical cord. The blood within your newborn baby’s umbilical cord contains young stem cells that have an amazing power to heal.
  • Collecting umbilical cord blood is a much simpler process than many people imagine. It’s a safe, painless procedure that won’t disrupt you, your baby, or your birth plan. You can collect even if you choose delayed cord clamping or are having a c-section.
  • As of today, it can be used in the treatment of ~ 80 diseases, including certain cancers, genetic diseases & blood disorders.
  • Over 30,000 transplants have been performed worldwide using cord blood stem cells.
  • Cord Blood banking is more affordable than you may think. ViaCord has many payment plan options to help with the cost.

As a mom, there are so many things to think about and choices to make. Remember to take each decision one step at a time and do your research to take some of the stress out of being a mom! Most importantly, enjoy every moment!

Tips For Embracing New Mom Moments


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