Look Before You Lock For Safety Beyond the Car Ride
This post was sponsored by Auto Alliance as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.
Our kids spend a lot of time in the car, especially during the summer as we’re traveling to visit family. Spending hours in a car with your kids can be challenging, but its important to always take the necessary precautions to ensure safety beyond the car ride. I’ve partnered with Auto Alliance to help raise awareness about the dangers of heatstroke in automobiles by making sure you look before you lock to keep kids safe this summer!
Riding in the car with the AC on can make a hot day not seem so bad. But did you know, even if the outside temperature is only 70 degrees, the inside of a car can heat up to 120 degrees within 15 minutes… And thats with the windows open!
When we venture on our road trips that can last up to 15 hours, its hard not to want to jump right out of the car and run into the nearest store (or bathroom). When road tripping with kids, its especially important to ensure you always take your children out of the car and never leave them alone, not even for a minute. A child’s body can heat up three to five times faster than that of an adult.
Every year in the U.S., too many children die accidently when left in a hot car alone.
- An average of 37 young lives are lost each year being left unattended in an automobile.
- Many cases involve kids being left in a car by mistake.
- 75% are children under the age of two years old and 50% are children under a year old.
To support the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) “Look Before You Lock: Never Leave A Child Alone in a Car”, the Auto Alliance has sent outreach letters encouraging the public to ACT to prevent heatstroke. Here’s how YOU can ACT and support the Auto Alliance:
- A-Avoid: Avoid heatstroke-related injury and death by never leaving your child alone in a car, not even for a minute. Make sure to keep your car locked when you’re not in it, to ensure kids don’t get in on their own.
- C-Create Reminders: Create reminders by putting something in the back of your car next to your child like a cell phone, pocketbook, or bag that is needed at your final destination. This is especially important if you’re not following your normal routine.
- T-Take Action: If you see a child alone in a car, ALWAYS call 911. Emergency personnel are trained to respond to these situations. Plus, one call could save a life!
Want to learn more and see how you can become an advocate? Check out the Auto Alliance website and follow them
- Auto Alliance on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/autoalliance
- Auto Alliance on Twitter: https://twitter.com/auto_alliance
- Auto Alliance on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Autoalliance2009
Heatstroke deaths are avoidable when parents and caregivers are vigilant!