Prepping Sibling for New Baby
Baby #2 is due any day now. You’ve picked out his coming home outfit and washed all the clothes. The nursery is all set and his diaper bag is packed. All you have to do now is wait .. and start prepping the sibling!
We’ve made sure my three year old was included in every aspect of prepping for the new baby. From announcing the new baby to finishing the nursery and picking out the theme and décor, I wanted to make sure the big brother felt special from the start! We have our plan together for once I go into labor and everyone has their bags packed INCLUDING the big brother! He has his bag with extra clothes and of course his big brother shirt!
My “sprinkle” for the new baby was actually thrown by my three year old! He picked out the theme for his baby brother’s “party” and was included in everything from making the invitations to helping me open the gifts on the big day. We had a few presents there for him but surprisingly didn’t really even need them! He was just as excited to help me open the gifts and see his brother’s new stuff.
I think this time around I’m more excited to watch my son with the baby. We did a special sibling tour at our hospital which walked the children through the maternity ward and let them see the rooms and beds where mom would be staying. Our biggest concern was making sure the hospital wasn’t a scary place and was somewhat familiar.
As the days get closer we talk more and more about the big brother’s role (he keeps saying he cant wait to hold his brother). We took the infant car seat out and asked him to “check it out” and make sure that it was good for his baby brother. His growing excitement and anticipation makes this experience even more precious!
What types of things did you do to prep your older child for a sibling?