#HelpTheWorldSee With OneSight
My husband always had perfect vision- or so he thought. Then once he hit about 24, after years of neglecting his eyes, he was informed he needed glasses. Getting glasses was a HUGE deal for him, considering he was an adult and never thought he had issues with his sight. After a few years of wearing glasses, he decided to take the leap and upgrade to wearing contact lenses during the day. The contacts seemed to work better for him and its almost like second nature to stick something in his eye everyday now. We were very fortunate to have access to vision care, which enabled him to go for that routine exam and be diagnosed with astigmatism.
Vision care is more than just finding out if you need glasses though. It allows you to check the health of your eyes and also learn about different ways to care for them. My husband’s maternal grandmother was blind and we saw the first hand impact her vision impairments had on her daily life. We take our vision seriously and make sure the entire family goes for routine checks, even those of us who dont wear glasses. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same access available to vision care services, but luckily, OneSight is here to help! OneSight is a nonprofit organization committed to the global vision care crisis by proving access to eye exams and glasses to communities in need around the world!
About OneSight
- OneSight provides charitable and sustainable solutions to meet both the immediate and long-term vision care needs of underserved communities, both internationally and domestically.
- They believe that through permanent access and sustainable practices, vision care can become readily available to every community, country and continent in our lifetime.
- In 27 years, OneSight has helped 9 million people in 41 countries and 47 states see clearly.
- More than 1,000 trained volunteers and doctors travel the globe to staff OneSight Clinics and teach local residents as part of our commitment to transfer skills and build sustainable infrastructures in underserved communities.
- OneSight and Deloitte have collaborated to bring this problem into focus. They released a study that reveals a startling finding: 1.1 billion people around the world need glasses but don’t yet have access to vision care. That’s 1 in 7 of us!
GREAT NEWS! YOU can help make a difference!
- Post a photo of yourself or someone in your family, using hands as glasses (i.e. “hand glasses”) with the hashtag #HelpTheWorldSee to bring attention to OneSight’s mission!
- Donate – Help the 1 billion people without access to vision care by donating $1 to the cause at OneSight.org/donate.
Want to learn more about OneSight?
Check out their website here. You can also follow them with the Hashtag #HelpTheWorldSee on:
This is a great time to join together for the world to see and join me on October 8th to celebrate World Sight Day!
- OneSight, a World Sight Day partner, is kicking off their #HelpTheWorldSee awareness campaign this October 8th.
- October 8, 2015 is World Sight Day, a global day of awareness to focus attention on blindness and visual impairment.
- It is coordinated by IAPB (the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness), and on World Sight Day, members work together to raise public awareness of blindness and vision impairment as major international public health issues.
*This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/OneSight.