Accessorize Your Kids With Hats and Sunglasses!
Its basic common sense to buy your child a jacket for winter, boots for snow, and a bathing suit for summer. But something that we often forget are the most important items– the accessories! And I mean the necessity of accessories as more than just a fashion statement (although being trendy never hurts). While its true that girls have WAY more accessory options than boys, the accessorizing potential is still there for your little men. Hats and sunglasses are ESSENTIAL to add to your kids’ wardrobe!
We make sure to lather those precious little bodies with sunblock, but what about another important part that needs protection… their eyes. If you think about it, you probably don’t leave the house (or especially drive) without a pair of shades on. Don’t forget about a pair of shades for your little person! The great thing is, most stores carry sunglasses and hats that can fit on infants! Its important to get your children used to accessories like hats and sunglasses for when they become toddlers and “big” kids.
We started my older son with baseball hats when he was just a week old and did the same when my younger son came along! Now granted, he wasn’t wearing a baseball cap everyday, but he was still used to something being on his head. We did the same thing with sunglasses. Places like Gap Kids, Children’s Place, and Carters offer a wide variety of sunglasses for infants in plenty of shapes, sizes, and colors. Just be careful to watch the sunglasses on the little ones when they become old enough to grab them!
Soon enough, your little one will be looking for their hat and sunglasses when you leave the house! Not only will they look super stylish, but they’re have plenty of extra protection on their head and eyes!
What is your favorite “go-to” accessory for your baby/toddler?
My favourite is dtifnieely the hat – I was actually immediately drawn to it! It’s very understated in comparison with the other accessories (and just about anything else), but I think it’s really the hat that makes this look what it is. Can you imagine it without a hat? And what it would be like with another “statement piece” on her head? I like how she combines these understated things into her bold look.