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Fall Fairs In New England

Fall in New England means plenty of fairs throughout the area. Growing up we always counted down the days until the fair would arrive! As a kid I couldn’t wait to, of course, ride the amusement rides, however as an adult, my reasons for anticipating the fair have slightly changed. I love bringing my kids to experience the fair. Its amazing to watch things through the eyes of your child! They see the world in a different perspective and truly embrace the excitement of the simplest things!

Fall Fairs In New England #FallFun31

When heading to the fair we make sure to experience as much as possible! Its also become a family affair, so my parents come with us and we meet up with additional family once we arrive. Since my accident and brain injury, I have to be very cognisant of my surroundings including crowds, lights, and noises. In order for my family to get the full fair experience while I avoid sensory overload and migraines, we head to the fair during the day during the week. The crowds are much smaller and while the sun is out, the lights in the fair aren’t on yet. Here is our typical fair route:

The rides: Now that my son is older (5 years old) he enjoys going on the amusement rides. We try to do this first because it gets it out of the way before we’re ready to eat. Also, doing the rides during the day ensures that I’m not around any flashing or blinking lights. I still have to be conscious of any loud beeps or noises, so the small crowd makes it very easy for my husband to stay with my son on the rides and me to walk away (usually with my mom) to get away from the noise.

Fall Fairs In New England #FallFun31

The animals: Nothing is more exciting than checking out the animals at the fair. The main fair we attend has a variety of different farm animals including cows, chickens, llamas, rabbits, pigs, and sheep. My boys LOVE walking through and looking at the different animals.

Fall Fairs In New England #FallFun31

The food: Its no secret that food is a huge part of the fair. You can get just about anything deep fried and covered in powdered sugar. My family likes to get a variety of food and share. Our tastings can include anything from steak and cheese, bbq pulled pork, loaded baked potatoes, fried dough, onion blossom, and french fries. We usually take a break between food and then right before we leave hit up the dessert stands which can be apple fritters, apple crisp, fried oreos, and cotton candy. The very last stop before we leave is always for mini donuts.

Fall Fairs In New England #FallFun31

The exhibits: Fairs bring a shoppers delight with tons of one of a kind products for purchase. There’s a craft tent with all kinds of great finds like kids accessories and unique items for early holiday shopping! There’s also a Commercial building that contains products and services for the home.

Fall Fairs In New England #FallFun31

Some additional fair fun includes checking out the firetrucks and the entertainment scheduled in the evenings. There is a musical guest every night, which can range from a modern billboard chart sensation to a flashback of your favorite band from back in the day! Plus motorized events, animal pulls, talent shows, games, and more.

We walk off all the delicious food by going through all the exhibits and see everything there is to offer. By the time we’re finished with the last building, everyone has had a great time, but we’re ready to call it a night!


What are some of your favorite things about heading out to the fair?

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  1. I love going to the fall fairs! You have to go hungry because there is so much great food!

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