Effortless Hook Removal with the ReelSonar Multi-tool Pliers
One of my favorite things to do is fish. It doesn’t matter whether it is freshwater or saltwater, I just love being out on the water. Not to mention anytime you’re catching fish it’s a great time! One of the things that I enjoy the least about fishing, especially saltwater fishing is when I catch something with teeth and I cannot easily remove the hook. Since I almost always catch and release, being able to timely and easily
remove the hook is a must. Over the years I have found that no two fishing pliers are created equal. I discovered the king of fishing pliers when I received the opportunity to try out the ReelSonar Multi-tool Pliers.
At first glance they resemble many of the traditional fishing pliers that you may have seen, however, when you look closer you find that they are anything but ordinary. The http://reelsonar.com/products/reelsonar-multi-tool-pliers feature a spring loaded handle that makes dealing with dangerous fish much easier because you can keep a good grip on the pliers, even when reopening them. The second thing that sets them apart from traditional fishing pliers is the line cutting tool, they are designed with a serrated part that use a scissor action to cut line. This is huge if you’re like me and use braided line. When you’re not using the pliers they tuck away easily into the heavy duty nylon sheath, which can attach to any belt. When using them there is no need to worry about dropping them into the water or off the boat because they
feature a retractable coiled tether. In addition to all of these great features they also offer lead crimpers and needle nose pliers plus a serrated knife, and file tool built into the handles.
The bottom line is that if you like quality, function and innovative features in your products and you like to fish, these are the pliers for you. Now go get out on the water and make some memories!
*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received ReelSonar Multi-tool Pliers for free from ReelSonar in consideration for a gear review