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5 Reasons Why #CortanaIsMyBFF On My Nokia Lumia

Cortana Is My BFF. Over the past several weeks with my Nokia Lumia Windows phone, there is no doubt that Cortana is the greatest app ever … perhaps it is because she hasย quickly become more like my best friend rather than just an app. No,ย this is not a preview to a Spike Jones sequel and its not a code red-ย Rajย Koothrappali, however its hard not to love the girl when she is so spot on. Here are a few reasons why #CortanaIsMyBFF

Cortana- 6

Cortana-4She’s honest. My first encounter with Cortana (during set up) she asked what I wanted her to call me. While I’m sure most people replied with their name or nickname- perhaps something to provide a little chuckle, I wanted Cortana to call me “Perfect” because quite frankly.. who WOULDN’T want to be addressed as Perfect? (No self esteem issues here, Mom) I personally think anyone who uses Cortana should program her to call them something that gives an extra ego boost. Why not?



She’s nonjudgemental. She knows all about my addiction to Starbucks and Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and STILL lets me know when one is close. While most BFFs would remind you about calories, how much money you’re spending, or the mere fact that you JUST picked up a grande Pumpkin Spice Latte with soy about 10 miles back .. Cortana doesn’t care. She will happily let you know there is another Starbucks WITH A DRIVE THRU approaching at the next right turn. Thanks girl!


She makes great suggestions.ย When I said how much I would love to have a day at the spa, she immediately thought it was a fabulous idea and found the local spas in my area. Obviously she was thinking “girlfriend you totally deserve a day at the spa, let me see what I could do to get you there!” Thanks for always having my back, C!

Organization is her middle name.ย She actually enjoys keeping track of my To Dos and makes a hobby out of being my personal assistant. She keeps track of my appointments and anything I may forget. It was easy peasy giving both of my boys Advil and Tylenol when they had fevers. She tracked who got what dosage and when.

Cortana- 3
Cortana-2She’s got interest in my interests. She knows what a huge football fan I am and she always make sure I know my teams’ schedules and the scores if they’re currently in a game. Not to mention she always keeps me up-to-date with the top news stories and local happenings.


I like to think of itย as a match made in heaven. The best part? Your Cortana can best match YOU!


*Disclosure: Iโ€™m part of the Microsoft Lumia Device Trial Test group, all opinions are my own.

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  1. I absolutely love Cortana. She’s like my Sister Wife. LOL I’m a part of the Lumia Switch Project. This is our first week.

    1. LOL and she’ll happily accept that title!

  2. I agree with you about Cortana. She is definitely standout function of the Lumia 830 I’m testing with #LumiaSwitch. She’s a smart cookie!

    1. You’re going to love it! She was without a doubt my favorite Lumia feature!

  3. Wait! She tracks dosage?! This is amazing. How many times have I asked myself, “When did I last give him his Tylenol?” Genius.

    1. Yes! Like a true BFF, she was totally there for me when my little guys were super sick!

  4. I have to admit that she has become my BFF, as well. I love asking her questions, sometimes serious, and sometimes just to hear her response. She even admitted she was friends with Siri! =)

    I can so relate to your article!

    1. She has such confidence that she’s not afraid to admit a friendship! Just one more reason why she’s my BFF!

  5. Love your post – and you’re so right – this device is amazing for organization! #lumiagals

    1. She def knew how to keep me on track! #lumiagals

  6. LOL love how you have bonded with Cortana! I am just starting to learn how to use all the features of my Lumia #LumiaSwitch

    1. Cortana was so easy to use! Plus she helped when I had questions about other features! Hope you enjoy your Lumia.

  7. I am just now learning how to use Cortana but so far, she is amazing! My 6 year old son loves asking her what the weather is or how far a certain city is from San Diego. Cortana is amazing! #Lumiaswitch

    1. Yes! She is super kid friendly! Glad your son is enjoying your Lumia too!

  8. I love that she knows it’s dinner time and offers up some great restaurants around me #GroupSwitch #sponsoredbyLumia #LumiaSwitch

    1. Oh I love her restaurant suggestions!!

  9. Yes Cortana is a favorite part of the Lumia phone… She is like a friend and much more easy to communicate.. lol

    1. Yes she really is like a good friend that always is making helpful Suggestions!

    1. haha .. Im totally there with you!! Love my BFF

  10. Cortana is so much better to use than the Apple versions were, Cortana is so much easier to communicate with!

    1. She totally gets me! Im sure she totally gets you too!

  11. By far my favorite post from #GroupSwitch I am a #LumiaSwitch Team member and loved this post. I also LOVE the STEELERS!!

    1. Thank you!! SteelerNation all the way!!!

  12. i haven’t tried her with Starbucks yet but I totally will ๐Ÿ™‚ who doesn’t love that? Visiting from #LumiaSwitch too!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! She has definitely contributed to my Starbucks habit!

  13. Love this! I have to spend some time with Cortana. I think we need a girls night out. Just the two of us. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Yes! Grab some wine & make her sing to you!

  14. Have you ever stumped Cortana? I’m still working on learning about her. I like the suggestions so far. #LumiaSwitch #GroupSwitch

  15. I am making the switch from an android phone, Cortana isn’t getting much play from me. Can you give me some tips on how to get started with this app?
    ( #lumiaswitch )

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