Help Your Kids Grow Through Learning How To Fish
When I first had children I didn’t realize all of the concepts and values that must be taught in order to raise morally sound young adolescents and adults. I came to the realization when my son was younger that in order to raise an all-around good man, it takes more than teaching them to say please and thank you. You have to put in the time to teach them to respect their elders, respect women, to stand up for themselves and those that can’t stand up for themselves. Many of these values can be observed and will hopefully be imitated, however one of the most difficult to teach and one that I believe is extremely important to teach is the value of a life. I don’t mean just the value of a human life but the value of all God’s creatures.
The importance of this came to me when I took my first son fishing at two years old. While we sat there on the bank of this pond it hit me. It is one thing to tell them that all life is important, however it is a totally different thing for them to understand the choice to preserve the life of an animal. One of the best ways to teach a child the importance of all life is to take them fishing. By allowing them to catch fish and reinforcing the idea that you don’t take it’s life unless you are going to eat it, helps to mold a child into an adult that can respect all life no matter how small. Not to mention learning to fish teaches a child how to enjoy nature, find food (if necessary), make life long memories, and provides a skill that they can eventually pass on.
No matter where you live there is somewhere you can fish. Visit your local town hall, bait shop, or Department of Environmental Protection website to discover all of the public fishing locations near you and go make some memories.