
So I Didn’t Win Powerball

So I didn’t win Powerball. After much excitement, anticipation and multiple ticket purchases, I unfortunately did not win the record 1.5 billion dollar lottery. I must admit it was nice to dream about how much life (and my bank account) would change. So congrats to the lucky winner, I hope you do some good with all those winnings. In the meantime, im going to reflect one last time on what could have been.

So I Didn't Win Powerball

My first order of business, of course, pay off those bills. Kick off this new life debt free and rather than focusing on the bills to pay, focus on the money to make by…. Investing. If I hit it big I had no intentions of squandering the gift. While many people would want to sit back and relax I would want to set up my great great great great grandchildren. My “work” would be sitting with a financial adviser and figuring out the best investments. Chick-Fil-A, car dealerships, property… who knows what those investments would be, but there would be a lot in different locations.

So I Didn't Win Powerball

My next order of business would be to fly in the best neurologist in the country. If im going to have butt loads of money, I want to invest in myself, which would in turn benefit others that suffer from TBIs. Get the research going and figure these brain issues out! Plus, there would be plenty of time and resources available for other causes that I’m passionate about.

I’d round out my tasks by helping some of my family and friends. My husband would get his brand new truck, I’d get that mommy make over I’ve dreamed about and we’d probably head to DisneyWorld!

So I Didn't Win Powerball

It was a great dream while it lasted and although I woke up this morning with the same bills and not in the billionaire status, it’s like I’ve already hit the lottery when I look at my family. It’s very true that there are some things money just can’t buy.


What would be the first thing you did if you won the lottery?

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